See also: 1960 in Afghanistan, other events of 1961, and 1962 in Afghanistan.
Prime Minister Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan visits the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) at the personal invitation of Nikita Khrushchev. They issue a statement of full mutual understanding and identity of long-range views.
Mohammad Daud announces that his government seeks $700,000,000 in aid from the U.S. (United States of America) and the U.S.S.R. to implement the second five-year plan, which aims at an increase of 8% to 10% annually in the national income over the plan period. Industrial production is to rise 375% and investment 500%.
Due to the controversy over Pakhtunistan (or Pathanistan; the Afghan demand for self-determination for about 7,000,000 members of border tribes), the Pakistan government closes Afghan consulates and trade missions in its territory. Afghanistan thereupon sets September 6, 1961 as a deadline for Pakistan to rescind the order. Pakistan does not.
On September 3, 1961 Afghanistan seals its side of the border and on September 6, 1961 breaks relations. The consequences are far-reaching, as Afghanistan then demands that all trade, including U.S. economic aid, be channeled through Soviet access routes. Sixty percent of the Afghan population is Pakhtun (Pathan) and Afghanistan has steadfastly refused to accept the old Afghan-British Durand line of 1893 as a suitable permanent boundary between the Pathans of Afghanistan and of Pakistan, while Pakistan refused to draw a new frontier. Throughout 1961 the two nations exchanged charges, Afghanistan saying that Pakistan brutally suppressed tribal leaders and bombed them with U.S.-made aircraft, while Pakistan alleged that Afghan armed forces, using Soviet equipment, constantly violated the border. The Afghan representative to the UN, A.R. Pazhwak, strongly defended the concept of Pathan self-determination.
Afghanistan completes its first five-year plan, with some sectors described as over-fulfilled. Daud attends the Belgrade conference of nonaligned nations, visiting Britain and West Germany first.